

Workshop 1: Gas Conditioning & Dew Point Control – Kefah A. Al-Faddagh

images27 - 28 April 2025, 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM


2 days

Date & Time

27–28 April, 2025 8:00 am – 03:00 pm


This workshop emphasizes technical fundamentals, practical operating issues, process selection, and integration of the gas conditioning and dewpoint control facilities into the overall scheme of gas processing. It also covers conventional and unconventional natural gas types. Special design and operation topics such as gas sweetening,
dehydration, hydrate inhibition and hydrocarbon dewpoint control is covered.


Identify, recognize, and evaluate the advantages, limitations, and range of applications for each gas sweetening, dehydration and dewpoint control processes. Describe process selection, practical operating issues, technical fundamentals, and integration of the gas conditioning facilities into the overall process scheme. Participants should be able to understand that there are many types of Natural Gas and there are many processes that could be employed to remove acidic components (primarily H2S and CO2) and water from hydrocarbon streams and then control the hydrocarbon dewpoint. Upon completing this workshop, the participant is expected to have a good understanding of Gas Conditioning and Dewpoint Control in general.

Potential Participants

Chemical engineers involved with the design and operation of gas processing facilities with 2 years’ experience in the gas processing. Also for production and processing personnel involved with natural gas sweetening, dehydration and dewpoint control requiring an understanding of the principles of these process operations.


Gas Processors Association – GCC certificate will be issued to all attendees.

This workshop emphasizes technical fundamentals, practical operating issues, process selection, and integration of the gas conditioning and dewpoint control facilities into the overall scheme of gas processing.

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Delivered by
Kefah A. Al-Faddagh
Kefah A. Al-Faddagh

Gas Processing Consultant , Saudi Aramco

Workshop 2: Gas Sweetening Processes and Innovations – Amine Experts

images27 - 28 April 2025, 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM


2 days

Date & Time

27-28 April, 2025 08:00 am – 03:00 pm


This course will cover best-practices aspects of engineering design, operations, and troubleshooting of amine systems in AGRU, AGEU and TGTU processes.


To help operating companies have a better understanding of natural gas sweetening process fundamentals and to help attendees understand the keys to proper operation and troubleshooting of amine systems.

Potential Participants

Gas plant engineers, unit operators, lab technicians, project teams working on revamps, plant managers, lab chemists


Gas Processing Association – GCC Certificate will be available on request

This course will cover best-practices aspects of engineering design, operations, and troubleshooting of amine systems in AGRU, AGEU and TGTU processes.

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Delivered by
Michael Sheilan P.Eng.
Michael Sheilan P.Eng.

Senior Principal Engineer , SGS Amine Experts

Workshop 3: Sulfur Recovery Technologies and Solutions – Sulfur Recovery Engineering (SRE)

images29 - 30 April 2025, 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM


2 days 

Date & Time

29 - 30-April, 2025, 09:00 am - 04:00 pm


 This intensive two-day workshop is designed to equip industry professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to optimize Sulfur Recovery Units (SRUs) for improved efficiency, reliability, and regulatory compliance. Led by Dharmesh, SRE’s Senior Sulfur Recovery Expert, this session will cover both fundamental and advanced topics, incorporating real-world case studies, troubleshooting strategies, and interactive discussions.

As environmental regulations tighten and operational challenges grow more complex, it is crucial for engineers and operators to stay ahead with best practices in SRU operation, tail gas treatment, and emissions control. This workshop provides a unique opportunity to engage with industry experts and gain practical, field-tested solutions to common SRU challenges.


Upon completion of this workshop, participants will acquire practical, hands-on expertise in optimizing Sulfur Recovery Units (SRUs) to enhance efficiency, reliability, and regulatory compliance. This training will provide a comprehensive understanding of Claus process fundamentals, tail gas treatment technologies, and critical operational parameters, equipping attendees with proven methodologies to improve sulfur recovery rates while mitigating common process upsets such as catalyst deactivation, pressure drop fluctuations, and sulfur condensation.

Through real-world case studies, interactive problem-solving sessions, and best practice sharing, participants will gain actionable insights for maximizing SRU performance, reducing downtime, and improving plant reliability. This workshop is designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and field application, ensuring attendees leave with the tools necessary to troubleshoot, optimize, and drive operational excellence in their sulfur recovery operations.

Potential Participants

Process Engineers, Operators, Technologist, Senior Managers, and All other SRU stakeholders 


Gas Processing Association – GCC Certificate will be available on request 

This intensive two-day workshop is designed to equip industry professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to optimize Sulfur Recovery Units (SRUs) for improved efficiency, reliability, and regulatory compliance.

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Delivered by
Dharmesh Patel
Dharmesh Patel

Sulfur Recovery Specialist , Sulfur Recovery Engineering Inc. (SRE)

Workshop 4: Gas and NGL Dehydration – PetroSkills

images27 - 28 April 2025, 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM


2 days

Date & Time

27 - 28 April, 2025, 08:00 am - 03:00 pm


This two-day workshop will focus on the different ways in which water can be removed from hydrocarbon gases or liquids, how, in design, to choose the best method for your application, in operation how to optimise the performance of your unit and, finally, how to troubleshoot some of the things that can go wrong.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for delegates to share their views and experience and will attempt to collate the collective views of GPA GCC on the technological developments they would like to see from their suppliers

The product of the workshop will be a single communiqué representing the collective views of the delegates who attend


The workshop will be divided into three parts:

The first will be a presentation of the different ways in which hydrocarbon gases and liquids can be dried, the relative merits of each and thus a methodology for deciding how to select the best for a given application

The second will be a problem solving session aiming to optimise the performance of a gas drying unit as, in operation, conditions change

Finally, the third part will be breakout sessions. Delegates will be divided into teams and asked to put themselves into the shoes of one of three stakeholders: technology suppliers, project managers, operations mangers and invited to pool their experience and collate it into a feedback session to the eider group as a series of needs or suggestions of how each of the stakeholders could improve

The fourth part (did I say there would be three ?) will take place after the workshop and will attempt to assemble the views of the workshop delegates, so that each delegate can return to work with a consolidated single communique representing GPA GCC’s view of the future.

Potential Participants

Gas plant engineers, unit operators, lab technicians, project teams working on revamps, plant managers, lab chemists


Gas Processing Association – GCC Certificate will be available on request 

This two-day workshop will focus on the different ways in which water can be removed from hydrocarbon gases or liquids, how, in design, to choose the best method for your application, in operation how to optimise the performance of your unit and, finally, how to troubleshoot some of the things that can go wrong.

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Delivered by
Malcolm Harrison
Malcolm Harrison

Senior Instructor for PetroSkills , Lanzarote, Spain

Workshop 5: Advanced Filtration & Separation Applications – Pall

images27 - 28 April 2025, 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM


2 days

Date & Time

27–28 April, 2025 8:00 am – 02:00 pm


Technical Workshop presenting filtration & separation solutions for the Gas, NGL, LNG Processing, & Energy transition (CCS) 


To gain knowledge about filtration & separation fundamentals and design engineering guidelines.

Potential Participants

Operation, Process engineering team, Maintenance team, Mechanical Engineering, Technical Specialists & Project Engineers. 


Gas Processing Association – GCC Certificate will be issued to all attendees. 

Technical Workshop presenting filtration & separation solutions for the Gas, NGL, LNG Processing, & Energy transition (CCS)

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Delivered by
Alex Vandeput
Alex Vandeput

Business Development Manager , Pall

Workshop 6: Reducing Solvent Losses, Corrosion and Energy Use – DOW

images27 - 28 April 2025, 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM


2 days

Date & Time

27-28 April , 2025  08:00 am - 03:00 pm


Join Dow for an insightful technical workshop where we will explore innovative strategies to optimize gas stream upgrades, enhance operational efficiency, and extend asset lifespan. Learn practical approaches to energy savings, effective corrosion management, and advanced thermal management solutions. Through case studies and best practices, discover how to implement efficient operations and minimize losses.


This workshop will address critical challenges and opportunities within gas treatment and thermal management to help operators to boost their plant performance, achieve excellent levels of maintenance and issues prevention and contribute to sustainable practices in energy.

Potential Participants

Gas plant engineers, unit operators, lab technicians, project teams working on revamps, plant managers, lab chemists


Gas Processing Association – GCC Certificate will be issued to all attendees.

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Delivered by
Ahmad Kadoura
Ahmad Kadoura

EMEAI Marketing Manager , Dow, Middle East Innovation Center

Lorenzo Spagnuolo
Lorenzo Spagnuolo

O&G Application Technology Leader , Dow

Anmar Balkhair
Anmar Balkhair

Senior Technical Service & Development Specialist , Heat Transfer Solutions

Workshop 7: Emissions Management in Gas Plants using Process Simulation – BRE

images27 - 28 April 2025, 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM


2 days

Date & Time

27–28 April, 2025, 08:00 am - 02:00 pm


This course is designed to dive deep into key units in a gas plant that play a major role in its overall emissions footprint.

The selected process for this analysis will be:

- Production Sites (Emission Source)

- TEG Dehydration (Emission Source)

- SRU/TGTU (Emission Control)

- CO2 Capture (Emission Control)


Insights into the use of ProMax® process simulation software to not only accurately model the above units will be demonstrated; but also methods to calculate, monitor and abate emissions from these sites will be discussed.

Workshop Objectives

Master and recap the process flow schemes and KPIs of Production Sites, TEG Dehydration, SRU/TGTU, CO2 Capture Units

Identify emission points to/from these units and estimate total air emissions

Learn real-world applications of the ProMax® software. Techniques to accurately model both emission source and control units and optimize them using industry best practices

Understanding emission abatement mechanisms (e.g. VRT/stabilizers, glycol unit optimization) & decarbonization methods in gas plants (e.g. enriched oxygen SRUs, sterically hindered amines, protonated tertiary amines, flue gas desulfurization etc.)

Potential Participants

Process engineers, concept design engineers, plant technical services 


Gas Processing Association – GCC Certificate will be issued to all attendees.

This course is designed to dive deep into key units in a gas plant that play a major role in its overall emissions footprint.

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Delivered by
Ganank Srivastava
Ganank Srivastava

ProMax Engineering Consultant , MEI

Mostafa Shehata
Mostafa Shehata

ProMax Engineering Consultant , MEA